Aronia: Properties and Benefits of the superfood

The so called “Berries of Youth”, black aronia is a true help to our nutrition that we can all safely and easily add to our stressful,busy, daily lives.
It comes from a deciduous bush about 1-3 meters in height, called Aronia Melanocarpa, and is also know as black chokeberries, due to its sour taste. Aronia fruits are said to have been a part of the everyday diet of the Native Americans and also used as a traditional remedy for illnesses, such as the flu, stomachache and fever.
Black choberries have also captured the scientists’ eyes thanks to their phyto-nutrients, since they are one of the richest sources of phenols (mostly preanthocyanins and anthocyanins) and areknown for their strong antioxidant effects that give the fruit its dark red color. (Oszmianski and Wojdylo 2005).
Aronia’s total content in polyphenols is 1,752 mg/ 100g, in anthocyanins 1,480 mg/ 100g and in proanthocyanidins 664 mg / 100g. Black aronia berries contain the highest levels of anthocyanins, followed by the purple and red ones. In fact raw black aronia berries score 16,062.29 UmolTE / 100g in the ORAC scale, which is really high for a raw fruit! They also contain a significant amount of vitamin C (15-30 mg / 100g) as well as other vitamins and minerals (such as Vitamin A,B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B9,E,K,P).
Many large population studies as well as cell culture studies prove the health benefits of aronia consumption mentioned above.
Aronia consumption can have a positive effect on the human body thanks to its antioxidants that bind free radicals in our bodies, that are responsible for a number of diseases.
Regular Aronia intake can contribute in :
increase of the body’s energy and stamina, battling nervous disorders, fatigue
rebuild of muscles and tissue growth
slowing down aging and oxidation of the skin from harmful factor like UV radiation, smoking, pollutants, etc.
regulation of blood pressure, battling hypertension. Consuming 50ml of aronia juice three times a day has promising effect on hypertension as showcased in clinical trials. [Ciocoiu, M; Badescu, et al (2013)]
prevention and treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases thanks to the anti-inflammatory effects of the phlavonoids contained in the fruit. [Bell, D. R., & Gochenaur, K (2006)]
decrease in chronic infammation. [Han, G.-L., Li, C.-M., Mazza, G., & Yang, X.-G (2005)]
regulating and treating diabetes, by lowering glucose blood levels [Maslov etal. ,(2002)]
possibly battle pancreatitis [Kowalczyk E1, Jankowski A, et al., (2002)]
battling Multiple Sclerosis (MS)[Broncel et al., (2010)]
memory improvement [Harold Stewart et al., (2012)]
battling uterus cancer [Rugină, D; Sconţa, Z; Leopold, et al (2012)]
regulating and boosting the immune system [Xu, J; Mojsoska, B (2013)] .
It is hypoallergenic,too. Phlavonoid phenols and caffeic acid also have antioxidative properties and can help the body battle many kinds of allergies
It helps against the common flu, the flu virus, staphylococcus and Escherichia Coli [Valcheva-Kuzmanova SV, Belcheva A. (2006)]
It can be of great help in battling urinary tract infections [Handeland M1, Grude N2, Torp T3, Slimestad R4. (2014)]
Its high Iodine content helps the thyroid function properly.
It is also helpful for gastritis and other altertions of gastic mucosa [Valcheva-Kuzmanova, S., Marazova, et al (2005)]
It can help against degenerative disease [Ohgami, K., Ilieva, et al (2005)].
It can help the liver function properly [Valcheva Kuzmanova, S., Borisova, P., Galunska, B., et al (2004)]
It has antithrombotic properties that stop platelets from coagulating [Olas, B; Wachowicz, B; et al(2008)]
It reduce cholesterol levels [Kim, B.; Ku, C. S.; et al (2013)]
It prevents bleeding [Kedzierska, M; Olas, B; et al (2009)]
It can prevent cancer growth in the colon [Lala, G., Malik, M., et al (2006)]
It has anticancer properties and effects [Gasiorowsi Κet al. (1997)],[Cuiwei Zhao, M. Monica Giusti, et al (2004)]
It helps the bowels function properly since the fruit contains a good amount of fiber and probiotics (16,9g/ 100g of dried fruit).
The aronia berries can also protect the body from radiation, thanks to its special pectin content which absorbs harmful radiation. For this reason aronia has been used by nuclear plants workers and astronauts before and after their space missions,in eastern european countrie and in the former Soviet Union.
Aronia can also be used as natural food coloring alongside with its antioxidative effects!
Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa),
Nutrition value per 100 g,
ORAC Value- 16,062
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Nutritiona value %RDA
Energy 47 Kcal 2.5%
Carbohydrates 9.6 g 7%
Protein 1.4 g 2.5%
Total fat 0.5 g 2%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary fiber 5.3 g 14%
Folic acid 25 µg 6%
Vitamin A 214 IU 7%
Vitamin C 21 mg 35%
Vitamin E 1.17 mg 8%
Vitamin K 19.8 µg 17%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 162 mg 3%
Calcium 30 mg 3%
Iron 0.62 mg 8%
Magnesium 20 mg 5%
Manganese 0.646 mg 32%
Zinc 0.53 mg 5%
Carotene -α 0 µg —
Carotene -ß 128 µg —
lutein-zeaxanthin 118 µg —